meet amanda

Maker • Small Business Owner • Farm Wife • MAMA

Amanda Cather

hey, i’m amanda

Amanda Cather here, a born-and-raised small town Kansas native from the southwest corner of the flyover state. I’m a wife and mom to two ornery, adorable kiddos with a Pharm.D and Bachelor of Pharmaceutical science from The University of Kansas.

As a “retired” (aka non practicing) pharmacist, I am passionate about life on the farm and Ranch, raising our babies and spending time in my studio as a small business owner.

In my little pockets of time, I prioritize reading, drinking coffee, being outside, and rediscovering my love for running/exercise. Shoutout to endorphins.

Also, for the sake of full transparency, I am a recovering perfectionist (as Emily Ley calls it).

the cather clan

Meet the Cather clan. Ben and I were married in 2013. We started our family off with a little girl, Charlie Mae, followed by her ornery brother, Truett Payne. Together we live in south central Kansas on a piece of the family farm.

our family farm

I grew up in a ranching family and married into a 3rd generation farming family. Ben and his father, Mike (aka Grandad), farm and ranch together in South Central Kansas. They specialize in wheat and yearling cattle, while doing some rotational row crops.

I have recently started helping with the bookwork and office at the farm. Truett is about all things tractors, gators, and farming, while Charlie prefers the horse and cattle side of the operation. They love farm days and learning (with a little fun thrown in) with Grandad and Dad. They always leave the farm with dirty jeans and full hearts.

breathe and create

Breathe & Create Co. was launched with the intention of filling my cup and thus being able to pour into others. 

I believe God uses me to give back through the monthly subscription - cause boxes - by dedicating a percentage of all sales to a cause, charity, or individual who is near and dear to my heart.
— Amanda Cather

I launched Breathe & Create Co. as a way to slow my mind down and start creating with my hands again. While in the midst of a high-stress job, struggling with post-partum depression and anxiety, I believed I was failing at finding the balance between throwing myself fully into my work, then fully into my family, fully into my community, and lastly into myself. 

As I continued to lose myself in my check-the-box job, I saw my family suffering, and knew I needed to pivot to ensure I’m able to spend more time with my family and help more on the farm.

Though I love my kids with everything I am, the “achiever” in me craved more. 

Historically, creating beautiful things with my hands has always brought me joy and a sense of calmness. In hindsight, I believe it stems from helping my dad create beautiful pieces of wooden furniture as a child.

Breathe & Create Co. allows me to balance everything I prioritize — our our family and farm — while also creating.